Monday, December 23, 2013

'Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave' (Movie Review)

The Return of the Living Dead movies have always been some of my favorites. The overall silly-ness and blood and guts really makes this sequel one of my favorites. 
A college boy discovered two mysterious canisters hidden away in his uncle’s basement. Curious to know what was inside, he had his friends run some tests on the barrel in the lab, only to find out that the canister contained a deadly chemical. Thinking it was just a new type of hallucinogenic drug, they mass produce the chemicals into pill capsules and start selling them to their fellow classmates. As the days progressed, and more and more kids start dying, they finally figure out what the chemical really is; the answer to re-animating the dead, or turn humans into brain hungry zombies.
The first of the Return of the Living Dead series was released in 1985, and is still a better film than this. I did enjoy “Rave to the Grave”, but it just doesn’t hold up to the original three. 
That being said, I give this movie 4 out of 5 stars.

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