Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Walking Dead season 4 episode 1 Review:

We're all probably thinking the same thing about the season 4 premier of The Walking Dead, and what we're all probably thinking is; WHOA! I bet most of us can agree that the episode's events are definitely not what we expected, which made the episode even more interesting.
The new episode of The Walking Dead had more viewers than anyone could possibly count, which pretty much says itself how amazing it was, but this isn't the only season 4 episode 1 review on the web; there are countless people who thought the episode was slow, and it was just a little bit, but there is a reason for that, which being that they need to introduce the season rather than just jump into all the action, which I definitely agree with.
The end of the episode is what got me the most. What is going on? What happened to Patrick? The only explanation I can think of at the moment, and I might be wrong, but my theory is that the virus is beginning to go airborne, but is that really what's happening? Does #TeamPrison have an epidemic on their hands? We'll have to watch the rest of the season of this flawless masterpiece they call a show.

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